Just before I got married a few of my friends told me I had better buy my last gadget before the big day because it would be the last for a long time. That logic might apply to other guys but I may be married to my technology just as much as I am to my Wife. Let's face it, a computer and a good internet connection can be an adequate substitute for a good wife. Guys, you know what I'm talking about ;) Fortunately my Wife has accepted my digital lifestyle and in fact, has embraced embraced that lifestyle as her own. So I'm lucky a guy. My house could be what Steve Job's had envisioned when he coined the term, "Digital Lifestyle."
Earlier this week I completed my collection and added a long absent piece of technology to the mix. I got an excellent digital video camera from Panasionic. The PV-GS300 It's a 3 CCD miniDV camera that takes some excellent video. So now, with an iMac G5, a Canon Digital Rebel, a Pentax Optio S4i, a Panasonic PV-GS300, great web hosting from Geeklair.net, and .Mac, my Son's life will be captured in it's entirety in full digital goodness. Most of which will be presented right here. So stay tuned to my version of the 1998 classic, "The Truman Show." Only this time starring, Andrew Joseph Fayne.

Hi Danny and Brooke, I put something in the mail for you yesterday. It should be there in 3-4 days. Will you let Phil and I know when you get it?