I mounted it low (near my knee) with some stick-on velcro.
I didn't want to put a hole in my dash for the cabling.
It's almost the same size as my clock, so I was going to go for the stealth install there and ditch the clock, but it's a little narrower so I would need something to fill the gaps it would leave.
That seemed like too much effort (and I wouldn't have a clock anymore as the radio doesn't have one) so I just mounted it lower.
I'll try to remember to take a picture and post it (I probably should have taken pictures of the install...)
Are you take any pictures of this thing installed? Does it sit on top of your dash? Integrated?
I mounted it low (near my knee) with some stick-on velcro.
I didn't want to put a hole in my dash for the cabling.
It's almost the same size as my clock, so I was going to go for the stealth install there and ditch the clock, but it's a little narrower so I would need something to fill the gaps it would leave.
That seemed like too much effort (and I wouldn't have a clock anymore as the radio doesn't have one) so I just mounted it lower.
I'll try to remember to take a picture and post it (I probably should have taken pictures of the install...)