July 2005 Archives

I've just started running pgpool on the geeklair.net server.

Connection startup times with postgres were a large portion of wall clock time for some scripts I was running, and this fixes it.

I'm not using any of the replication or load balancing features, but it seems to be working well so far.

I might have to do some tweaking of it's config (since comment spam attempts tend to open a large number of DB connections).

I've also noticed that rt3 running as a fastcgi doesn't seem to want to connect with pgpool. I have it configured to connect directly to the postgres database (since it keeps a connection open, it wouldn't really benefit from my pgpool setup anyway).

Update - After some tweaking, it looks like the following config settings make things run well here [and this is probably useless to anyone else, but now I'll be able to find it easily in the future]:

num_init_children = 20
max_pool = 2
child_life_time = 60
connection_life_time = 300

Update 2: rt3 connects through pgpool just fine, I was just being dumb.


"People who make the argument that it is a good thing to have them attacking us over there are missing that suicide terrorism is not a supply-limited phenomenon where there are just a few hundred around the world willing to do it because they are religious fanatics. It is a demand-driven phenomenon. That is, it is driven by the presence of foreign forces on the territory that the terrorists view as their homeland. The operation in Iraq has stimulated suicide terrorism and has given suicide terrorism a new lease on life."
"Many people worry that once a large number of suicide terrorists have acted that it is impossible to wind it down. The history of the last 20 years, however, shows the opposite. Once the occupying forces withdraw from the homeland territory of the terrorists, they often stop—and often on a dime."

The Logic of Suicide Terrorism

Found via Schneier on Security.


This might end up in my car. ;-)


Or will the repeated non-answers of the White House press secretary win the day?

Press Batters McClellan on Rove/Plame


% ncutil read /Automatic/PortOptions/en0
media-subtype: 100baseTX
max-transmit-unit: 1500

Especially up here in the North.

Couple Finds Crosses Burning Outside Trenton Home

Of special interest is that this happened two nights in a row.

Maybe we can leave the husband alone now.

"While there was no evidence that the U.S. transportation network was being targeted, the terror alert was being increased "
"Authorities moved to heighten security within several hours of the deadly attacks in London's transit system, although they said they had no intelligence indicating similar attacks were planned in the United States."

Lansing State Journal:U.S. raising terror alert for transit

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July 3, 2005 ~ 9:30PM - After a good meal with good company, at SanSu, Anne and I get in her car (a '90 Honda Civic Si 1.6L hatchback) to drive home. It does not start. (Sounds like no fuel or spark, it's getting dark. I look for obvious things, but I can't really determine what exactly the problem is).

9:46PM - Call AAA. Tow-truck from Wood's Okemos Marathon arrives shortly with two good natured employees. They tow the car to my driveway.

Later - Anne googles "my honda civic won't start", the first link is a good place to start (yes, I am feeling lucky). Check for ECU codes in the dark, but there aren't any. Stay awake for a while obsessing about it. Decide to sleep and do more in the morning.

July 4, 2005 Morning (~8:00 AM) - I find and remove the main relay. Re-solder two posts that are obviously not so good. Put the main relay back, but it doesn't fix it. Remove the main relay and re-solder most of the rest of the posts. This also doesn't fix the problem (but it may solve an unrelated problem where the car would sometimes not like to start again after running and being off for a short period of time). P offers to help me diagnose further after he goes to buy kiwi from Meijer. Since I am supposed to have people over later, I go with him and pick up some food. The link Anne found did have some test procedures to check ignition wiring, so I decide to try that. I remove the distributor cap and it doesn't look too good inside (there is lots of corrosion on the cap and rotor, and the coil doesn't look good). The voltages all check out fine, though. I decide to just buy lots of parts. After calling around, I can get a new rotor, cap, coil, and ignition control module by visiting two different NAPA stores (one has only the coil, the other doesn't have the coil, but has everything else). P drives me around so I can pick up parts.

Just before noon - I remove old parts, and I install new parts. The car starts up right away. P leaves for his 4th of July celebrations. I pick up Anne and go to Mejier again to buy some stuff I forgot. I notice that the tachometer is sluggish and jumpy. The car also feels slower.

July 5, 2005 evening - I look online and notice that the OEM ignition control module is an $800+ part. I get the old one out of the garbage (I didn't think it was the problem, but I didn't want to have to go back and forth for parts).

July 6, 2005 9:00 AM - I remove the distributor cap and rotor to swap the OEM ignition control module for the NAPA one. Of course, in the process I crack the distributor cap. I rig it back together with the OEM module installed and the car starts up. The tachometer is back to normal. A quick drive to NAPA to return the ignition control module (I think it's defective, but I noticed the guy wrote 'not needed' on the return form) and pick up yet another new distributor cap follows. I remove the cracked distributor cap and install the new new one.

Car runs fine.

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