Automatic Restart on power failure Revisited

If your machine doesn't automatically come up after power failure (even if it's set to), you might consider checking the battery.

The battery in the machine that hosts the geeklair died, so it wasn't automatically booting back up like it should (and after Jared lost power for longer than the UPS battery lasted the other day, he had to and push the 'on' button so it would boot back up).

I just replaced the clock/NVRAM/PRAM battery on the machine and verified that it will automatically restart after loosing power.

[This makes remote rebooting possible, so if the machine dies, or authentication dies, I can reboot the machine by logging into the UPS.]



So, I'm having difficulty with some old-school mac stuff. Drop me a line if you want a challenge. :)

1 - Apple Newton MessagePad 120. Software v2.0
2 - Xircom PortGear USB-to-Mac Serial adapter. Model number PGMSD8
3 - Newton Connection Utilities for Classic

I got the adapter for free, so don't complain that I bought a crappy one. :)

Anyway, I'm trying to *gasp* sync the Newton. OS X doesn't recognize the Xircom adapter right out of the box, and doesn't seem to be supported by OS X at all. IBM bought Xircom in 2001, AFAIK, for their USB to Ethernet adapters, and dropped most of their other projects, including the model that I've got.

So, no NewtSync.

So, in classic, Newton Connection Utilities and the Newton play nice together - for a while. None of the file transfer options (sync, export, import, backup, etc.) will complete. Files will get transferred, played with, etc., but nothing finishes. And therefore, nothing makes its way to the hard drive.

I'd -really- like to be able to sync this thing. Any ideas?

I think a lot of the USBSerial adaptors have really crappy drivers that make things not work.

I would probably try a Keyspan adaptor (if possible), since their drivers are actually pretty good.

Otherwise, you might try NewtSync and/or sync'ing over TCP/IP.

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