Movable Type 4.0 installed

You may have noticed that your weblog is now running on MT 4.0.

You may also want to convert your templates to the enw ones. Instructions here.

One neat new feature is 'widget sets' which allows you to quickly/easily add/remove/rearrange small pieces of templates (widget templates).

My sidebar templates just include a widget set (so they're very small, unlike the default ones):

<div id="beta">
    <div id="beta-inner">
          <$MTWidgetSet name="NormalSet"$>

I also added some anti-spam features which required modifying some templates and rebuilding blogs. If you (or people visiting your blog) have problems being able to post comments please let me know (via email or whatever) and I'll see about fixing it (or temporarily turning off the new anti comment-spam features).

Powered by Movable Type 4.34-en
Creative Commons License
This blog is licensed under a Creative Commons License.