I was a Mac user long ago. I remember upgrading to OS 7.5, 8.0, and the horrendously error-prone upgrade to OS 9. In the years following that, I went back to Windows. While there were some problems, the nice thing was that the overwhelming majority of things simply worked.
A few years ago I started work linux in various flavors into my work. At first, there were a lot of things to get used to, and I had my fair share of complaints. As I grew accustomed to it however, I grew to love it and a few years ago started using it almost exclusively while keeping a Windows box around for things like Photoshop.
A few months ago, I decided that I was going to try one of the new iMacs. I went out, shopped around, and finally purchased a 24-inch iMac for hardly a paltry sum of money. Within twenty minutes of setting it up and turning it on I had my first complete system freeze, requiring a hard power cycle. This continued while I was having problems connecting to the internet, installing applications, keeping disks mounted, stopping the machine from muting itself, installing MacPorts, and so on.
Not being one to give up on computers easily, I scoured the internet for solutions, read through email lists and talked to people at work. Some problems I was able to fix and I got to a point where the other ones really didn't bother me that much anymore.
Today however was the straw that broke the camel's back. Since 4am this morning my iMac has locked up SIX times and the only thing in any of the logs is a cryptic statement of "KernelEventAgent[23]: tid 00000000 received unknown event GPU" followed by about a hundred lines consisting of hexadecimal codes. While this leads me to believe that there's some problem with the graphics card, one can't effectively Google hundreds of lines of hex and get meaningful results.
I can't reliably do anything that involves an application other than Firefox (speaking of which, Safari is about as useful a web browser as a slice of cold pizza) without the machine completely locking up.
So Apple, you have been officially added to the List Of People And/Or Organizations Who Can Suck My Balls.