Odds, Ends, & Birds

Blue Jay.JPG
Don't think I've posted a picture of a Blue Jay, yet.  If so, sorry -- yer gettin' another one!

On a completely spurious note, I'll be replacing the feeder arm shown here.  Because it curls-under, instead of up like a shepherd's crook, birds perch on the very end of it.  This places them immediately above the feeder.  Wherever birds perch, birds poop.  I checked 3 feeders with 3 different hangers.  This one was, by count of residuals, 3-4 times worse than the others.  Replacing the feeder arm will make it easier to clean the feeder hanging from it.

Hawk-wing snow-scrape.JPG
Not long ago, I looked up to see buff-colored movement in front of a window.  It was large, moving bird-fast, and approaching the feeder.  I watched.  A few moments later, a hawk retreated through the same space.  Clearly, he'd been hunting the feeder.  What caught my attention must have been him trying for a bird on the ground under the feeder.

I checked to see if he'd been successful.  He wasn't, but he left a neat impression in the snow.  The big dent is from feet.  The parallel curves are from his left wing.  I really like that individual feathers left traces in the snow.

The moire pattern in the image is from shooting through the window screen.  Sorry, not going outside in this weather, even for a cool picture.

New black mailbox & address.JPGNew mailbox.
As recorded previously, Nicole & I returned from our holiday trip to find the previous one upended.  More recently, it was struck by a plow (I found evidence of impact on the end of the wooden support -- not to mention the box being 20 feet from the post).  The new box is impact-resistant 20ga steel.  I shaved 4-5" from the horizontal support when I mounted it.  It shoudn't be struck again.  The swing-arm is canted in this picture.  I learned that the wash from the snowplow is sufficient to move the arm like this.  Something to remember for the future.  The arm being canted is not sufficient evidence to conclude the box was struck.

The new box did not come with an address kit.  At single-degree temperatures, no adhesive would stick.  So made something and screwed it into place.  The address label is actually printed-and-cutout, glued over window privacy film glued to a piece of 1x.  I wrapped the whole thing in clear plastic.  I think it turned out well, and should certainly help identify the drive at night.  It's shiny, Captain.
Song Sparrow.JPGGratuitous Song Sparrow.  Been watching this little guy trundle around under the feeders.  Looks like he's wearing one of those quilted down-filled coats from the 80's.

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This page contains a single entry by Eofhan published on January 16, 2009 5:17 PM.

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