February 2009 Archives

In which I have an idea about the fireplace.

My house has a classic, wood-burning fireplace.  No fans, no nothin' to push warm air back into the house.  As a result, it makes the area immediately in front of the fireplace a cat-magnet, the remainder of the living room pleasant, and drops the temperature of the rest of the house by a few degrees (3°F, if you believe Mythbusters).  All that heat leaving my house annoyed me.

I started thinking about to recover it.  I had a brilliant insight!  The chimney is basically a metal pipe running inside the masonry.  Why not wrap the chimney in a water-jacket, or pipe, and send the heated water through a radiator?

Turns-out I'm not the first to think of this.  Also turns-out it doesn't work.  The interweb says that (1) there isn't enough heat in the chimney to be usefully extracted; (2) if I pull heat from the chimney, I'm reducing the energy that is propelling combustion products out of the building -- which is another way of saying that I'm increasing the soot & smoke in my living room, and raising the probability of a chimney fire.  <sigh>  Yet another brilliant theory undone by physical reality.

On the other hand, I did accidentally learn about firebacks.  These are either big, heavy cast-iron plates that sit in the back of the fireplace and re-radiate absorbed heat, or lighter, stainless-steel sheets that reflect heat back into the room.

Cat Shelf

If you enlarge this picture, you'll see that I have a problem in the basement.  Piper likes to sit in this window.  But he can only get to it by jumping to and from the back of the chair.  The chair rotates.  Sometimes, he claws up the wall above the chair getting down.

So I built a shelf for him.  Scrap lumber, scrap carpet, leftover paint from the stairwell.

Put a smaller shelf under it, spaced for coffee mugs and sideways books.

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