January 2010 Archives

iTrip Internals

This is a Griffin iTrip FM transmitter (older model).  I used it, daily, when I was driving 600 miles per week.  The gold thing is the mini-USB connector.  It came loose inside the case.  The transmitter still works, but there was no way to charge the iPod while using it.


I built of pair of MintyBoost rechargers.  That involved soldering a USB connector to a circuit board.  That made me wonder if I could open the iTrip's case and repair it.

I couldn't get the case open.  Daniel suggested the case was glued, and a hair dryer would soften the glue.  He was right.  Hair dryer, a sharp knife, and patience were all it took.

Soldering will be more difficult than I expected, though.  The interior of the case is even tighter than I expected.  Plus, the mini-USB's attachment points are smaller than I expected.  If you look at the image, I need to solder the red-arrowed tabs onto the red-arrowed squares.  Should be fun!



A Thing That I Learned, Today

I've been reading about statistics.  I've read that it's a bad idea to compare 2 things, when all you know about the things is percentages.  I've been trying to understand why.
  • Ask 100 people if they own a pet.  50 say "Yes," and 50 say "No."
  • Ask 10 people the same question.  5 say "Yes," and 5 say "No."
Clearly, in each case, 50% of each group owns a pet.  But, imagine going one more step, and adding 1 more pet-owning person to each survey.  What happens?
  • 51/101 people --  50.5% -- report owning a pet.
  • 6/11 people -- 54.5%(!) -- report owning a pet.
Look at that!  One more vote, and the results diverge by quite a bit.  They aren't equally "stable."  The 10-person survey is heavily influenced by the addition of just one more vote.  The 100-person survey isn't.

I guess it's something like having 2 fuel tanks in my car, one with a gauge-needle that moves whenever I hit a bump.  They both read "¼" right now.  Maybe that's because I have a ¼-tank of gas.  And maybe it's because I just hit a pot-hole.  Which tank has more gas?  I dunno.  The unstable needle means I can't really compare the measurements.

Tales of the Upstairs Kitties


Every evening Ember plays with the race track.  Frequently, Hob wanders over to watch.

The windows in the den are covered, to half their height, with louvered doors.  Hob likes to climb the doors, and stand atop the lower pane.


Ash likes "splash."  Like Tabby before him, Ash is fascinated by the bubbles released when his water bottle is refilled.  Enough so, that he (like Tabby) will hit the bottle to stimulate more bubbles & gurgles.  This is not a problem, so long as he only does it to the large, multigallon bottle in the den.  Recently, we put a small water bottle in the upstairs bath.  More recently, Ash has started smacking it around.  Daily puddle.


The PBS program Nature, on Sunday, was all about hummingbirds.  Ember sat an watched it (more likely listened to it) for a solid 30 minutes.  The only time she moved was to occasionally reach up and tentatively touch the screen.

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