September 2009 Archives

Sunrise, on a Foggy Morning

India needed to go out, it was morning.  We're constructing a patio, just outside the door she usually uses.  So she had go to out the front, east-facing, door.  I ran for my camera.


Fog_Sunrise_4.jpgThese were all shot from the same location (my porch -- no shoes!).  The trees are some 80 yards away.  There's maybe 30 seconds between the first & last in the middle sequence.  And yet the difference in texture is noticeable, even in the thumbnails.  I have no idea why the last one looks like I'm standing under the trees.  And yeah -- the last is now my wallpaper.  :)

Seen at the Doctor's office

Have you ever seen a window (or a glass door) where a little kid smooshed his face into the glass, and left a skin-oil print?  I went to a Doctor, yesterday (I'm fine, thanks for asking).  Which means I spent a goodly amount of time look out the window.  The "print" I saw was a good 6 feet off the ground, and a perfect image of a rather large bird (think Blue Jay).  I was astounded.  I could see individual feathers at the wingtips.  I could see the tip of the beak.  I was also depressed.  From the impression of the head, the bird struck with it's beak straight up.  I wouldn't be surprised if it broke it's neck.

Later, watching the feeders outside another window, I saw a Cardinal with a weird wing vibe.  Literally.  The bird held it's wings almost completely closed, and vibrated them.  I didn't get it until this bird approached another cardinal.  The other bird was adult, and female.  When the 1st bird started it's wing-vibe, it also opened it's mouth and stretched toward the adult female.  I'm pretty sure I was seeing the Cardinal version of "Hey, Mom!  What's for dinner?  Dorm-food sucks.  Can I bring some laundry by?"

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