Return of The Shoe Ladder

First of all, now that the gifts have been given, a big Thank You to Grant & Amy for the subscription to The Family Handyman.  Clearly, it's turned-out to be handy, . . . man.  (OK. I so stole that from Grant.  But it bears repeating.)

Thumbnail image for shoe_tree_hung.JPGThose of you with long memories and eagle-eyes may notice that the stain doesn't match the surrounding wood, even though I was going to conduct experiments to match it.  I mentioned that to Nicole.  She reminded me that we're going to rip all of that out, anyway.  So I just used the same stain as in the upstairs hall.

In the foreground, you'll see my "persuaders."  I'm guessing that 2 coats of stain and 2 more of polyurethane thickened the dowels.  I applied the paste wax to the inside of the holes and gently applied the no-mar hammer.  Worked pretty well, I think.


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This page contains a single entry by Eofhan published on January 7, 2009 7:12 PM.

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