The "Eat Me!" Bird

Kind of the exact opposite of the previous post.

Northern Cardinals, the males, anyway, leave me dumbfounded.  I don't understand how any prey-animal (other than poisonous ones) can be that red and not eaten to extinction.  Which led me to dubbing them, some years ago, the "Oh, please come here and eat me!" bird.  This was after I spotted one from 80 yards away.  Without my binoculars.  Recently, Nicole shortened it to "Eat Me! Bird."  That confused me because, initially, I thought she was saying EepyBird.  :-)

The females are subdued, at least by comparison.  Mrs. Eat Me! Bird does wear brilliant orange bill-color and red eyeliner, though.  Not to mention the red wing & tail feathers.

I noticed that Cardinals tend to appear in trios -- 1 male, & 2 females.  I don't know why, or even if I'm the only person who thinks this happens.  Maybe it's just me.  Maybe the Cardinals that live around here are messing with me.  ;-)

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Eofhan published on February 20, 2010 11:39 AM.

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