I need Danger Glasses!

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We've resumed shoving a pill down Sani's throat, twice a day.
Positive result: He seems to have stopped spraying again.
Negative result: He's become more aggressive.

Nicole says she witnessed him attacking Ember (who is larger, younger, doesn't have a heart murmur, does all 4 sets of claws), twice.  More personally, he's taken over Tabby's role as The Midnight Waker.  He's now the cat who wakes me, nightly, to feed him and Tabby.  (Tabby had actually started to sleep through the night.  Doubtless a sign of advanced age.)  Unfortunately for me, he's not nearly as polite as Tabby was.  His standard method is to wander around yelling for a few minutes, then leap onto the bed and stomp across my head.
Thumbnail image for Eye-scratch.jpg

Last night, he decided to walk across my face.  I didn't lift him quickly enough.  So yeah -- that's a set of claw marks across my left eye.  No real damage, just scratches.  I probably won't get a cool Spike-like eyebrow scar.  :-(

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Ouch! Not a good way to wake up. "Don't bite the hand that feeds you... Step on the eye!"

I never thought I would say it, but I much prefer Penelope's food related foibles. When we wake up in the morning, she just yells (a LOT) and herds us toward her dish. If her calls for food go unanswered she just tries to kill us on the stairs.

I hope everything heals up!

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This page contains a single entry by Eofhan published on June 4, 2008 8:51 PM.

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