I don't have to change the name of the blog . . .

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This is Hob.  Already knicknamed "Hob-goblin" and "Hobbes."

We adopted her this afternoon.  Her right eye looks a little weird because it's watering.  She has herpes.  That's actually not unusual in a cat, especially a feral-adoption.  In most cats, it causes watering eyes and sneezing, etc.  Then it goes dormant, and is frequently never noticed again.  Hob (and her littermates) are unusual in that their symptoms are more likely to return.  This is especially true when under stress.  Being adopted is stressful, so she's showing symptoms.  She's also contagious, because of the sneezing.  (Humans and Dogs can't get Feline Herpes Virus.  The other cats are vaccinated against it.  She's isolated during introduction to the other cats, anyway.)

I suspect she'll be a handful.  She's as insistent, demanding, and vocal as Tabby (much pleasanter voice, though).  She's also athletic (she escaped to the top of a display rack during her adoption and is capable of deftly jumping to a person's shoulder).  Looks like Nicole has her lap cat.

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Evan she is gorgeous!
Her posture reminds me of two things I frequently hear about cats:1 Dogs have owners. Cats have staff. and 2. Cats were once worshipped in Egypt and they haven't forgotten it.
Hopefully she will never realize that Hobbes is a stuffed boy cat's name, I suspect her imeriousness may be offended :)But hey... I'm the idiot that named a girl cat Spock.

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This page contains a single entry by Eofhan published on October 25, 2008 5:47 PM.

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